
Thursday, February 25, 2010

Orange Sky

a deep orange sky with streaky clouds.
this image was caught with a wisp of cloud just passing infront of the sun.   
that coupled with the large upright lights of the highway give this image
an almost "unreal" look.
Image(s) All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2010 Gena D Images for thinking aloud


Tania said...

So beautiful! Great shot and wonderful colors!:-)

Janet said...

That is exquisite!

OneStonedCrow said...

Great shot Gena ... it looks as if the light poles are worshiping the setting sun ...

Firefly the Travel Guy said...

It looks like something from a Sci Fi movie. Stunning.

Gena D said...

Hi Jonker, funnily another friend of mine, said exactly that!!!
Gena @ Thinking Aloud

Kim, USA said...

OMG!! It's perfect!! I so love it much ^_^

Beautiful Sunset

nancy said...

NIce..I love the sunset with trees in the backgrounds. Have a good day. Nancy

Helena said...

Wow! That is really stunning!

Jim said...

That's a spectacular shot.
Sydney - City and Suburbs

Sylvia K said...

Fantastic capture, Gena! Stunning colors! Wishing you a wonderful weekend!


Carolyn Ford said...

That is quite a shot! What a scene and you were just in the right place at the right time! Amazing!

Anonymous said...

The colour of the sky is amazing and the clouds partially covering the sun are wonderful! I'm a big fan of silhouettes.

BLOGitse said...

wow, beautiful!
Happy LTSOF from Cairo!


Grandma said...

what gorgeous color. I have seen skies like that somewhere before. Now I am trying to remember where and it's making me a little crazy. :-) But it's a wonderful shot.

My First Friday Sky: Memphis Sunset

Dimple said...

Wonderful shot, it almost looks like the sun is suspended on one of the poles!

Ralph said...

The burnt orange hue is stunning! So often a nice sky might have a variety of colors, but this monochrome sky is wonderful. The moon is big, and accents the sky even more. Lovely post!

Calico Crazy said...

Absolutely stunning! It makes me think of all those sunset shots in movies and such. ~ Calico Contemplations

Patti said...

What a beautiful sunset. The orange makes the sky look ablaze. I like the wisp of cloud passing in front of the sun. Great capture!

Unknown said...

This is Africa, right? Awesome!

Tinsie said...

WOW! As you say, almost unreal :-)

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